
Statement on Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday by Lenin Raghuvanshi

  On this day, we honor Mahatma Gandhi’s life and teachings, reflecting on his relentless advocacy for non-violence and truth as pathways to justice and peace. Gandhi stood against war and oppression, and his commitment to non-violence resonates deeply in today’s world, where conflicts, such as the occupation of Palestine and the war in Ukraine, perpetuate human suffering. Gandhi believed that no war, whether considered just or unjust, could ever bring about lasting peace. He taught us that peace and justice cannot be achieved through violence, but only through dialogue, diplomacy, and respect for the dignity of all people. From his wisdom, we derive the importance of indigenous knowledge, critical thinking, and the courage to speak against injustice. As India, under the influence of Gandhi and Buddha, advocates for peaceful resolutions in global conflicts, we urge the world to follow this example, especially in regions like Palestine and Ukraine, where violence continues to ravage li

Statement Against the Occupation and War in Palestine by Lenin Raghuvanshi

  The occupation of Palestine is a brutal manifestation of systemic injustice and human rights violations. Occupation breeds oppression, and war compounds suffering—particularly for the most vulnerable. This cycle of violence must end. We cannot achieve peace through the suppression of a people’s dignity or the destruction of their homes and lives. True peace demands justice, which includes the immediate end of occupation, respect for Palestinian self-determination, and the rejection of military solutions. The world must act decisively. We must stand against all forms of oppression, whether by states or militaries, and uphold the inherent dignity of every human being. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Peace and equality for Palestinians are not negotiable—they are essential. The time for silence has passed.

The Paradox of Enmity: Exploring the Depth of "A Human Without Enemies is a Human Without Quality"

 In a world often romanticized for its ideals of harmony and peace, the notion that "a human without enemies is a person without quality" may initially seem unsettling. After all, virtues like forgiveness, compassion, and understanding are often hailed as paramount to human dignity. Yet, upon deeper reflection, this seemingly paradoxical statement reveals profound truths about human nature, relationships, and the pursuit of excellence. At its core, this aphorism challenges us to reconsider the role of conflict and opposition in shaping individual character and collective progress. Far from glorifying animosity or discord, it invites us to recognize the transformative power of adversity and the indispensable nature of resistance in the human experience. Firstly, let us examine the concept of "quality" within the context of this statement. Quality, in this sense, transcends mere competency or skill. It encompasses the depth of character, resilience, and moral fortitud

Prayer for World Harmony

  1 I n the echoes of Maa Kamakhya's wisdom, I beseech for peace, justice, and freedom. Amidst the strife in Gaza and Ukraine's plight, A plea for ceasefire, a yearning for the light. Maa Kamakhya's voice, a sacred decree, It's the clash of greed and hegemonic masculinity. My father, Daksh Parajapati, long ago, Against divisive religions, he chose love to bestow. In the nameless devotion of Mahadev's kin, Untouchable son, sacrificed for inclusion within. No room for hatred, no space for war, Our path is love and nonviolence forevermore. War, a cowardly act, injustice's ally, Resistance through protest, humanity's reply. In the realm of spirituality, a potent resistance, Prayers against misery, a plea for existence. Mahadev and Maa Parvati's divine guide, Towards natural love, compassion, and diversity, we stride. A world forged in empathy, a sanctuary for all, May this prayer echo, and humanity stand tall. 2 In Maa Kamakhya's sanctified abode, Beneat

A Lens of Compassion: Ode to Ken Opprann

                                                                 Mr. Ken Opprann                                                                                  Photo Credit:Hanne Eide Andersen In the realm where shadows dance and light unfolds,  A lens captures tales, both young and old.  Meet Ken Opprann, a maestro with the eye,  In the tapestry of moments, his stories lie.   From the Art Academy in San Francisco's embrace,  To Oslo's heart, his lens found its place.  A night photographer for Aftenposten, he stood,  Chasing stories beneath the moonlit hood.   Reportage and documentaries, his canvas vast,  Traversing the globe, from first to last.  Awards adorned his photographic flight,  In the silent language of images, he wrote with might.   "TRO," a tome exploring religions worldwide,  A photographic pilgrimage, a visual guide.  Kosovo, Iceland, South Africa's stage,  In exhibitions, his narratives engage.   Publishe

Bethlehem's Blessing: A Christmas Wish for Peace in Palestine

In Bethlehem's embrace, a silent night, Where stars above proclaim a timeless light. Lord Jesus' birth, a tale so divine, In Palestine 's hope, may peace now shine.   Ceasefires sought, a plea profound, Echoes through the hills, the holy ground. End the strife, let kindness prevail, In birthplace sacred, let love set sail.   Genocide's shadow, banished away, As dawn breaks forth, a hopeful day. Philistine, rise with dignity strong, In independence, may you truly belong.   Let peace and prosperity intertwine, As Christmas whispers, "Forever, be thine." In the land where miracles took flight, Merry Christmas, in joy and peace unite.  

World human rights day: डॉ.लेनिन रघुवंशी। दलितों और दबे-कुचलों की भलाई में समर्पित। विशेष बातचीत
